April 7, 2022

Toward the Destination

“I expected the worst, and it was worse than I expected.” ~ attributed to Henry Adams

I was probably eight years old when my parents first took me to a Six Flags amusement park in my native Texas. My mother loved roller coasters, and managed to convince me to ride the Runaway Mine Train with her — hardly a roller coaster by modern standards, but scary to a youngster nonetheless. Though only a bit over three minutes, the ride felt endless! The initial slow tug up what seemed to be an enormous climb produced much anxiety, and then the ride ‘proper’ began. Many screams and heart palpitations later, we were finally thrust up to what I thought was the loading/unloading building; I had survived. Another slow tug up to the building ensued, as I pronounced how glad I was that the ride was finally over. Just as I started to breathe normally again, I realized the building we were pulling into wasn’t the loading/unloading building, but rather a pretend Saloon with plastic people and decorations. Suddenly, there was no floor in front of us, and our train was heading straight down toward a lake! We went through an underwater tunnel at what seemed like lightning speed, and then did indeed reach the final destination.

For much of the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, it felt as if we were riding together on a train, in the back car, unable to see forward. More recently, we seemed to make our way to the front of the train, and ‘thought’ that we could at last see where we were headed. However, as we approached what seemed to be a stopping point, we instead found ourselves in the make-believe Saloon. The ride continues, and sometimes it feels as if the floor has dropped beneath us yet again, as we plunge into a dark tunnel. Where will we be when we emerge this time? Perhaps Jesus felt the same way as the time for his final entry into Jerusalem approached.

“Courage is not the absence of fear; it is a commitment to something greater than fear.”
~ Robert Holden

How easy it would have been, at many junctures, to just throw in the towel, overcome with frustration and uncertainty. Cory Muscara, former monk and author of Stop Missing Your Life, says this: “The most difficult moments of life can bring the greatest growth, perspective, and insight. They can also drop us into vulnerability, making us more receptive to things like love, connection, honesty, and authenticity. We’re more likely to connect to the people we care about and reprioritize what is most important in life.” Friends, I hope that you’re holding on to what you find most important, and that you will stay in touch and connected during the seasons ahead. Whatever the path forward turns out to be, and however long this journey takes, I am glad to be in good company for all of the challenges and thrills along the way!

All best wishes for a meaningful Holy Week and a joyous Easter Day,

Jeremy Bruns


2022 Easter Flowers and Music

Make Your Easter Lily Dedication Online!

Every year the sanctuary is decorated with beautiful Easter lilies and flowers in memory of loved ones or in gratitude for blessings received. To dedicate a lily using our online form, please click the button above. Submissions must be received by Palm Sunday, April 10 so that your dedication can be included in the Easter bulletins. 

To make a contribution for Easter flowers and music in any amount, please give online (select "Easter Memorials" from the "Fund" dropdown menu) or by check. Please make checks payable to the Parish of the Epiphany and write "Easter lilies" in the memo line. Drop your check in the Sunday offering plate or mail it to: The Parish of the Epiphany / 70 Church Street / Winchester, MA 01890.


Palm Sunday Fellowship at 9:00 AM

This Sunday, April 10, our entire congregation is invited to join together in Hadley Hall and the Cloister Garden between our two services, from 9:00 to 10:00 am, for a special Palm Sunday reception. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship, hot cross buns, and activities for children. At 9:45 am, we will begin gathering for the Palm Sunday Procession, which will lead us into our 10:00 am service of worship. 


Holy Week Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for Holy Week at Parish of the Epiphany! 


Parish Office Closed for Staff Holiday:
April 18-22

Please note that the parish office will be closed following Easter, from Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22. Epiphany's staff will be on break during this time. 

For pastoral emergencies, please call 781-729-1922 Ext. 5. Rev. Nick will be away but checking the pastoral emergency line. 

Happy Easter to you and your loved ones from the staff of Parish of the Epiphany! 


Help with Fellowship Hour in April

Sign Up to Help with Fellowship Hour!

We are looking forward to several celebratory fellowship hours on Sundays during April, including the reception with hot cross buns at 9:00 this Sunday and the reception between the services on Easter Sunday. We would greatly appreciate your help with one of these upcoming celebrations. Please click on the button above to sign up! 


Epiphany Spring Golf Outing

On Saturday, April 23, we invite you to Parish of the Epiphany's Spring Golf Outing at Sagamore Spring Golf Course (1287 Main Street, Lynnfield, MA). Tee times begin at 9:00 am (18 holes). The green's fees are $59 walking or $80 riding. All Epiphany members (and guests), men and women, regardless of ability, are welcome to play. Please RSVP no later than April 11 to Rich Bartels at rich.bartels@gmail.com or 781-862-8208. Carpooling from the church is encouraged. 


State of the Church Forum on April 24

Join Rev. Nick and the wardens of the parish for a forum after the 10:00 am service on April 24 to discuss the state of our parish, and to reflect upon our hopes moving forward. As you know, our priorities for 2022 have been reconnecting with each other, increasing our staffing capacity, and expanding our digital ministries. As we start our planning for 2023, we're looking to engage with you to share a bit about how we have been spending our time as a vestry, and to learn about what's important to you.  

We will have time for conversation, small group discussion, and questions. The forum will take place in Hadley Hall.  


Celebration of New Ministry:
Welcoming Rev. Nick as Rector

Join us on Tuesday, May 3 at 6:00 pm for a grand celebration as Bishop Alan Gates leads us in a worship service to welcome Rev. Nick as our eleventh rector. It will be an evening of celebration, song, and good food. More details to come.


May 4 Midweek @ Epiphany is Cancelled

Please be aware that, because of the Celebration of New Ministry on Tuesday, May 3, our scheduled May 4 Midweek @ Epiphany has been cancelled. We look forward to seeing you on May 3 as we welcome Rev. Nick as rector! 


Epiphany Composts

The next time you cook and/or eat a meal at Epiphany, small group or large, look for a composting station like the one below to place your food waste.

Do your part by putting any edible food into the green bag and Epiphany, with the help of Black Earth Compost, will turn it into compost to renew our food supply in an earth-sustaining manner.


No Spring Rummage Sale

Please note that Parish of the Epiphany will not be holding a rummage sale this spring. However, there may be one in the future, if you are interested in holding onto any donation items until then. If not, please look at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers, and the many groups such as VietNam Vets which will pick up at your home. Thank you! 


This Week's Calendar

Click here to access the complete parish calendar.

Thursday, April 7

12:45pm Contemplative Book Discussion in the Suter Room

5:30pm Men's Group via Zoom 

7:00pm Healing Prayer via Zoom 
7:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary

7:30pm Contemplative Book Discussion via Zoom

9:00pm Compline via Zoom 

Sunday, April 10

8:00 am Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
9:00am Bible Study in the Suter Room 
9:00am Hot Cross Buns Reception in Hadley Hall and the Cloister Garden
9:00am Parish Choir and Children's Choir Warm-up in the Upper Parish Hall 

9:45am Gathering for Blessing of the Palms in Hadley Hall
10:00am Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary, Hadley Hall, and via YouTube 
10:00am Church School in the Upper Parish Hall

11:15am High School Youth Group in the Garret and via Zoom  

12:00pm Confirmation in the Garret and via Zoom 

5:30pm Middle School Youth Group in the Garret and via Zoom

Monday, April 11

4:00pm Circle of Life via Zoom

6:00pm AA Meeting in Hadley Hall

7:30pm AA Meeting in Hadley Hall

Tuesday, April 12

8:30am Employment Transition Group via Zoom 

9:30am Staff Meeting in the Suter Room 

7:00pm Stephen Ministries Meeting in the Chapel 

Wednesday, April 13

7:00pm Sacred Ground Meeting in the Suter Room

7:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal in the Upper Parish Hall and Sanctuary 

Thursday, April 14

5:30pm Men's Group via Zoom 

6:15pm Agape Meal and Maundy Thursday Worship in Hadley Hall and Cloister Garden


For More Information

For pastoral emergencies, please contact Rev. Nick by dialing 781-729-1922 Ext. 5. 
Click to view our Family Newsletter for parents, youth, and children. 
Click to find information on our worship services
Click to learn more if you are new to Epiphany.
Sign-up for online pledge payments here.


70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890